Tuesday, December 4, 2007

How to Transition to a Healthier Lifestyle: Common Obstacles and Tips on Overcoming Them

Making a lifestyle change in your nutrition (I hate the word "DIET") can be overwhelming at first. The prospect of making this type of change in your eating habits can seem more difficult if you are a bit of a social butterfly. Never fear! Below are just a few "arguments" I've heard people make about why they find it difficult to stick with their decision to maintain a healthier eating lifestyle. Do you see yourself in one of these examples? Check out my response and some suggestions on how you might choose to overcome these obstacles.

"There weren't any healthy choices available": Dining out can be quite tricky, but it's not impossible! Most restaurants are starting to offer healthy choice menus. But if you are unfortunate enough to land somewhere that doesn't offer these choices, take a close look at the menu and "make" a healthy meal! Do you see grilled chicken or fish anywhere on the menu? What about veggies? Don't be afraid to make up your own meal and ask for substitutions. Most restaurants are more than willing to make their customer happy with these sorts of adjustments. You've just got to ask.

"I don't have time to prepare meals": Our whole society is seems to be in a time management crisis. I know it's difficult. But, where there is a will, there is a way! One method that many healthy eaters have adopted has been to cook in bulk. For example, I cook several meals on Sundays and Wednesdays. I pack up appropriate portions into individual containers and put them in the fridge/freezer. Then when I leave the house in the morning, I just grab a few for each of my meals that day. If you have the luxury of cooking dinner every night, try cooking an extra portion or two for the next day's meals. Makes packing healthy choices a snap!

"I've GOT to have (insert unhealthy addictive food choice here... ie. Chocolate, white bread, etc...)": I've got a question for you... do you NEED it or WANT it. If you need it, you have what is called an addiction. Don't be embarrassed... we all have them. I would suggest starting to wean yourself off whatever it is that you are addicted to. If it doesn't fit into a healthy meal plan, it probably isn't good for you anyway. If it is just something you WANT.... cut it out! You can easily incorporate moderation into any healthy eating plan.

Good recommendations for weight loss aid: Hoodia Bites for appetite control

"The peer pressure got to me... I gave in": Friends and family can be our biggest supporters and our worst saboteurs. They don't mean to sabotage you. More often that not, they just don't understand. Be strong! You can do it! Explain that what they want you to eat/drink isn't in line with your new lifestyle... "Thank you... but NO THANK YOU!" If they continue to push, just realize that they might be a little jealous that they don't have the will power and discipline to do what you're committed to. Take it as a compliment and show em' how it's done!

I've heard many more "reasons" (excuses) than the ones above. But these are the most common. The bottom line is, don't let "reasons" sabotage you. YOU CAN DO ANYTHING YOU SET YOUR MIND TO. YOU HAVE THE POWER TO LIVE A HEALTHIER LIFESTYLE. You've just got to decide you are going to do it and make a plan to make it happen!

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